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Windmills for BlogEloquent Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran got it right all those years ago when he described love as “trembling happiness.” Can’t you just picture that? On this Mother’s Day, I want to wish my Mum, Bobbie, a happy day filled with love back home. I thought about Mum and our weekly Sunday morning phone calls on Friday as I drove across the stunning, moody, captivating, southern Alberta prairies. Each Sunday Mum asks me the same question “Are you happy out there Pat?” It is vitally important to both of us that she knows and feels through the phone line that I am. I was raised to be happy and witnessing scenery like the shot above, taken just outside of Magrath, Alberta, makes me literally tremble with happiness. How can this world be THIS beautiful? How lucky am I to witness this beauty even though I may also tremble with loneliness out here on the open road? Most days, the miles fly past, scenery unappreciated, as I whisk from appointment to appointment. It is usually only on weekends that I take the time to really see the beauty around me. But Friday afternoon gifted me with time to reach my destinations, and the stunning Alberta landscape and volatile weather cooperated with angry skies followed by brilliant rays of warming sun. Yes, I trembled with happiness.

Thanks Mum, for loving me across the miles. I am so lucky to still have you in my life! Love you lots!



PS, if you would like to see some more moody Alberta landscapes, please visit my gallery here.