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On the eve before I pack for Christmas back in Forest, I wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, happy, peace-filled holidays and share with you one more photo from the Great Canadian Railway Adventure.

This is always a time to remember just how much we are thankful for and my heart this year is filled with relief and happiness for the many blessings that have come my way.  But I have to say one of the simplest gifts I’ve been given was to witness just today a random act of kindness that pierced my heart.  Toronto can be a cold and tough place at times, but just an hour ago I watched a stranger on the 501 streetcar give a coffee card (his own) to a person who was in need. In return, we heard a quiet and sincere “bless you my friend.” There wasn’t a dry eye on the car for all of us who witnessed this heartfelt sharing of Christmas spirit between strangers.

May your joys be simple ones!