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Bragg Creek for BlogIrish author Josephine Hart writes “There is an eternal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines all our lives.” 
Yesterday, as I drove down a now familiar stretch of road between Bragg Creek and Black Diamond, Alberta, I found myself already missing this glorious Kananaskis landscape that has captured my soul. As the weeks count down to my move to British Columbia, I am looking back on my time here in southern Alberta and I am cherishing each sweeping, homely ranch, each epic mountain peak, each sparkling, snow-filled valley and I am wondering one thing. How do I take this magical place with me?

Through my travels I have gratefully stumbled upon the wonderful, talented, local artists who have painted the southern Alberta landscape in ways that move you beyond words. I have written about Janice Tanton whose works capture the wild spirit of the foothills. I plan to have this painting on my wall in BC someday soon! Yesterday I met another talented local artist whose landscape paintings of the rugged foothills take my breath away. I have passed by Maryanne Jespersen’s gallery in Black Diamond many times and longed to go in, but an open house yesterday made Maryanne’s Eden my destination for a Saturday Vagabond Adventure.

Through a careful, elegant mixing of the rich, earthy colours that make up the stunning Alberta landscape, Maryanne has managed to magically capture the heart and soul of what makes this area so compelling: I was stunned by each canvas so carefully layered with the colours of the land. I could almost hear the cherished silence that envelopes you here, save for the haunting call of the crow, or the wind rustling through the trees. I could smell the fresh mountain air. I could reach out and touch the warm, coarse hair on each beautiful horse I stop to visit along the way. I could see my travels through the foothills each weekend. Every sense is engaged! What is Maryanne’s secret you ask? In her words “Expressing myself on canvas is everything. To achieve a successful painting I create feelings that will touch my viewer’s heart. As my paintings are about feelings, if one lingers they will feel the painting.” 

And so I lingered by a wee 10 X 10 jewel called “Bring It On Home” and guess what? I did! I have never invested in a piece of art before but this local memento that encapsulates the stunning Kananaskis landscape I love so well made me feel like I do when I take my Saturday drives. Full of freedom and gratitude for the chance to witness such beauty first hand. Thank you Maryanne for a wonderful reminder of my time here in Alberta. I will cherish my wee painting even if I’m far away! It has mapped itself onto the geography of my soul!

If you would like to see a few more snaps from yesterday’s Vagabond Adventure like the one of Bragg Creek above, please come on over to my website. Thanks as always for visiting!