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I just got back from a relaxing trip back home to see my folks in Forest. It seems that with each visit we spend more time reminiscing about “The Good Old Days”, telling our usual stories that start with “Do you remember when…” or pulling out old photo albums or boxes loaded with age-tinged snaps.  My parents are now both over 80 and we all realize that our time together is very precious so we just let the stories, or yarns as my Dad calls them, flow.

On this visit I got to try out an awesome new iPad app called Scanner Pro that makes scanning old photographs a cinch. The shots above were among my favourite as they brought back great memories of a happy childhood and a well-spent youth. In the top left is my Mum, and her two gangly red-headed, trike-riding daughters (yes, that is me in what seems like an odd outfit choice for a card-carrying tomboy…); the tomboy makes an appearance in the middle picture – that is me on my favourite bike of all time with the awesome banana seat; and to the right are the three red-headed Henderson ladies again, all decked out in our Sunday best, me with my plastic golf club as an oh-so-necessary prop. The bottom picture is simply a great shot taken by my Dad of Mum on their honeymoon. Nice knee socks Mum!!

At a time when I am taking many calculating, crystal ball-like glances forward in my work life, wondering what lies around the next bend in our ever-changing publishing industry, it was a welcome relief to spend one weekend to glance back and remember life’s simpler moments with the folks I cherish most.