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The inspiration for today’s post comes from my friend Doug Peterson (@dougpete). We had an exchange on Twitter yesterday about farm life and it brought back a flood of welcome memories. Thanks to a recent visit back home in Forest, and the ScannerPro iPad app, I was able to find some old snaps that my parents have been storing in a variety of boxes and albums and scan them to build my own digital photo album.

As you can see in the collage above, I was the original farmer’s daughter. A decidedly red-headed one! I had to giggle at the strip on the left. Do you remember getting tiny thumbnails in strips? This one shows my Mum, my sister Jen and me in the front yard of our farm on Lakeshore Road just after church one Sunday. All dressed in our Sunday best. Me? I’m sporting the requisite pair of rubber boots and a trusty plastic golf club to accent what was likely torture…a dress!! Ugh! The cowboy hat and glasses snap is closer to young me.  Most of my friends and neighbours back home will remember that I was the quintessential “tom boy” who followed her Dad, Jack, EVERYWHERE. Farm life suited me perfectly. Acres upon acres of wide open farm land to explore. Tractors to ride and later drive. Chickens, cows, cats and dogs to keep you company. And although I do recall a lot of hard work (the dreaded “chores”), I would not change this idyllic upbringing for all the tea in China!

I am very lucky to still have my Mum and Dad to thank here for such a wonderful start in life. You taught us to work hard, appreciate what we have and to enjoy the simple pleasures that this good life brings. Best of all, you gave us wonderful memories to look back upon and smile – a very precious gift indeed! Hugs and much love from your farmer’s daughter in Toronto.