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My Favourite Things Best for BlogHave you ever had a week when the world just wasn’t spinning in your direction? I must admit to having such a week and as I prep my camera and Jeep for a head-cleansing drive south down my favourite Cowboy Trail, I am looking for some solace on the open road. I hope to find a few of my equine friends, like the fellow above, to feed a few carrots to and to welcome a warm, grateful nuzzle. These are indeed a few of my favourite things!

And since I am heading down the Cowboy Trail, what better to leave you with than a verse from a cowboy song. This from Chris LeDoux’s The Ride: “Sit tall in the saddle. Hold your head up high. Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky, and live like you’re not afraid to die. Don’t be scared. Just enjoy the ride.”