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On this Mother’s Day 2018 I am thinking about my dear Mum, Bobbie who is thankfully still with us this year. My sister Jen and I are fortunate! I am also thinking of all of my dear friends who are missing their Mums on this day. Poet Munia Khan writes “Do not feel sad for your tears as rocks never regret waterfalls.” Khan’s quote is a beautiful reminder to not fear the tears of missing loved ones. They are a reminder that we love them and they loved us.

This quote found me today as I pondered what photo to share. I chose the one above that I took this past week on a trip to Ottawa. It is of beautiful Hog’s Back Falls, a place new to me and unexpected in the heart of a bustling city. What is it about waterfalls that makes me think of time passing? For those missing their dear Mums today, passing time does lessen the ache of missing those you love,  just as the water’s constant flow over a waterfall softens and rounds seemingly impenetrable rocks.  The rocks do not disappear but they do take the shape of the water, allowing it to pass over them, accepting with grace the necessity of their constant companionship.

May this Mother’s Day find you celebrating the love of friends and family near and far.