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On this New Years Day, 2020, I’m sitting in my cozy Toronto apartment reflecting back on the last 20 years of this “new millennium.” 20 years ago on New Years Eve we were all wondering if the electricity would still be on at the stroke of midnight…do you remember Y2K? I was about to accept a new position at Oxford University Press as the School Publisher, a job I would adore. I had much of my life still ahead of me, ready to unfold no doubt in a blaze of glory!

Skip ahead 20 years and I am definitely much older (hello white hair invading what was once brilliant red), and maybe, just maybe a bit wiser. Lots of hard lessons well learned. Maybe. But until taking some quiet time to relax and reflect these past few weeks, one recent, very important lesson had been eluding me.

I have been back in Ontario closer to family for just over two years now after a 4 year absence. During my time out west so much changed. If someone had said to me back in 2014 when I was preparing to move west that I would lose my Dad to cancer and gradually start losing my Mum to Alzheimers, I would never have left. This much is certain.

Lucy my beloved orange Jeep and all of my belongings as we head west, January 2014.

I can vividly recall the moment I pulled out of Mum and Dad’s driveway at 5:30 am that frigid January morning back in 2014, Mum and Dad (and my cat Scruffy) looking out their front window quietly waving at me. I knew in that moment that things may never be the same. Don’t ask me how I knew. I just knew. I’m sure you have experienced this? I was about to make my way across a blizzard-ravaged mid-west to my new home in Cochrane, Alberta. I needed a job and felt there was not an option left for me in that moment.

But that moment was precious. So many moments are but we often fail to recognize them at the time. I wish to this day I had gone back in that sweet little house and hugged them again. Held them tighter. Never left. My family was about to change and they would need me in what would become a very difficult time for all of us. What I wouldn’t give to have that moment back!

Looking back now, surely there was a reason for my time out west, away from my family and friends. I have struggled to understand just what that reason is…until now. I took the beautiful sunset picture above at my sister Jen’s place last week, just before Christmas Eve. We were all enjoying a lovely supper together when we looked up and witnessed this fiery, gorgeous sunset. I just had to take a photo. A moment, all of us together. Happy!

I had to go away to really appreciate what is most important in my life. Family! Friends. Home. Here are the loved ones I hold dear. The ones I love and the ones I miss and all I cherish.

I had to leave home to understand that family is so very important. Now, safely back home, I get to see my Mum and hold her hand. I get to witness my nephews and niece grow into the fun, engaging, kind young adults they have become. I am so very proud of them! I get to spend more time with my dear sister Jen and her husband Brian. We hold each other more tightly now as time flies before and behind us. We laugh. A lot!

Do I wish I had learned this before I left for out west? Yes! A thousand times yes! But I will tell you this much. I was also wise enough to realize even then that we should make every day and moment count. No matter where we are, or how lonely we might be. Fortunately, I managed to make the very best of a tough situation out west by doing something I have grown to love. Taking pictures. Capturing moments. Here’s a bit of the stunning beauty I witnessed while away…

First, Alberta. Expansive. Soaring mountains. Wide prairies. Deep blue skies, horses and their cowboys!

I spent a year in Alberta then moved further west to beautiful British Columbia where I lived for three years. Where Alberta seemed earthly, BC seemed heavenly. Moody skies, oceans AND mountains. Eternal spring…

On this first day of yet another new decade my message is a simple one. Enjoy each moment. Learn from it. Hold it close. Capture it if you can. But most of all cherish it! Our life here on this gorgeous spinning planet is so very short. Make the most of it. Make your days and precious moments count!

Be kind. Be gentle. Love one another!

Happy New Year from your Vagabond Photographer.